Our Services

15 mins  . $ 50.00

This type of appointment will consist of following up with you regarding how you have been since the last appointment, a routine assessment of your range of motion, muscle tone, and joint mobility, brief soft tissue mobilization if necessary, homecare recommendations, and a Chiropractic Adjustment to the spine as well as extremities if indicated. If only a Chiropractic Adjustment is desired without any soft tissue work or homecare recommendations, then both the time and cost with be decreased to 10 minutes and $35 respectively.
Initial Evaluation
60 mins  . $ 100.00

A thorough exam will be performed observing posture, muscle tone, movement pattern, and joint restriction/mobility. From there we create an individualized treatment plan aimed at achieving the functional goals we set together in a realistic timeline.
Dry Needling
15 mins  . $ 35.00

A skilled intervention that uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular, and connective tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairments. Usually, the goal of Dry Needling is to decrease pain, increase range of motion, and decrease muscle spasm.
15 mins  . $ 50.00

Periotic reassessment of current condtion.
Free Consultation
15 mins  . $ 0.00

Discuss with Dr. Libert what is going on with you and if the services provided at Louisville Moves Chiropractic could benefit you.
Soft Tissue
15 mins  . $ 30.00

Following an assessment and based on findings, a variety of techniques including, but not limited to myofascial release (both passive and active), myofascial cupping, pin & stretch, trigger point ischemic compression, post-isometric relaxation (PIR), and active isolated stretching will be applied to specific tissues to help reduce spasm, pain, and dysfunction.
Therapeutic Exercise
15 mins  . $ 30.00

Following an evaluation and based on findings, corrective exercises may be utilized to address and alter movement and/or postural imbalances to help improve function and performance while at work or play.
Kinesiology Taping
15 mins  . $ 10.00

Elastic tape that aids in the treatment and healing of injuries. It can relieve swelling, delay fatigue, cues posture, and normalizes muscule.

Business Information

1220 East Kentucky Street
Louisville , KY 40204
Monday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Wednesday: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 10:30am - 12:00pm   
(502) 627-0518